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" Every day we should hear at least one good song , read one good poem , see one exquisite picture , and , if possible , speak a few sensible words . " Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "

Tuesday 24 January 2012

' Last of The Clan' Thomas Faed (Scottish 1826-1900) Oil on canvas , circa 1865 . Kelingrove Art Gallery and Museum , Glasgow .

Last of The Clan Thomas Faed ( Scottish 1826-1900) Oil on canvas , circa 1865 . Kelingrove Art Gallery and Museum , Glasgow . . This painting has come to symbolise the Highland Clearances .A time when many Scots were forced to emigrate , driven from their land by poverty , or evicted by greedy land owners . Although by 1865 the worst of the Clearances were over , the story told by this painting still aroused strong feelings and inspired Thomas Faed to create the most enduring image of this tragic period of Scottish history . Grief is written on the faces of the young and old and even the horse , as an unseen ship sails away . As a viewer of this painting we appear to be on the departing ship .

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