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" Every day we should hear at least one good song , read one good poem , see one exquisite picture , and , if possible , speak a few sensible words . " Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "

Friday, 5 October 2012

'Keelmen Heaving in Coals by Moonlight' J.M.W.Turner, English (1775-1851) Oil on canvas, circa 1835. The National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC .

'Keelmen Heaving in Coals by Moonlight' J.M.W. Turner. English (1775-1851) Oil on canvas, circa 1835. National Gallery of Art, Washington , DC Stevedores called Keelmen transferred coal from barges , or keels , to oceangoing vessels . The glow of their torches contrasts with the 'funnel of creamy light emanating from the moon ' Turner painted this scene on the River Tyne , near the mining city of Newcastle . It was just a year after he had sketched the burning of The Houses of Parliament from a boat on the River Thames. Turner saw interest and beauty wherever he looked . Turner is perhaps the best-loved English 'Romantic' artist. He became known as the 'Painter of Light', because of his increasing interest in brilliant colours as the main constituent in his landscapes and seascapes. His works include water colours , oils and engravings.

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