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" Every day we should hear at least one good song , read one good poem , see one exquisite picture , and , if possible , speak a few sensible words . " Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "

Monday, 1 October 2012

' Young Girl Defending Herself Against Eros' William Bouguereau. French (1825-1905) Oil on canvas , circa 1880. J.Paul Getty Museum. Los Angeles .

' Young Girl Defending Herself Against Eros ' William Bouguereau . French (1825-1905) Oil on canvas , circa 1880 . J.Paul Getty Museum , Los Angeles . A young nude woman sits with her arms outstretched , pushing away a winged boy . He is Cupid , the god of love , holding up an arrow to pierce her. The title suggests that the young woman is trying to defend herself , yet she smiles and struggles unconvincingly against the mischievous little god. Visitors to the Paris exhibitions of the 1870s and the 1880s loved Bouguereau's paintings .This particular painting repeats a larger composition that Bouguereau made for the Paris Salon in 1880; a viewer probably saw the larger version there and requested a smaller one for private viewing .

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