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" Every day we should hear at least one good song , read one good poem , see one exquisite picture , and , if possible , speak a few sensible words . " Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

'The Herring Net ' Winslow Homer ( American 1836-1910 ) Oil on canvas circa 1885


Toward the end of his career , when he painted 'The Herring Net ' , Winslow Homer was interested in exploring the relationship between man and nature . Here , two anonymous fishermen struggle to pull a net of herring into their small boat as it is tossed by the waves of the Atlantic Ocean . With their obscured facial features and large hats , the fishermen do not represent specific individuals but humanity in general . Homer completed 'The Herring Net ' following an 1881 visit to the village of Tynemouth England on the North Sea , where he observed first hand the harsh lives of fishermen and their wives .

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