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" Every day we should hear at least one good song , read one good poem , see one exquisite picture , and , if possible , speak a few sensible words . " Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "

Friday 6 January 2012

' Cimon and Pero ' Pertrus Paulas Rubens ( Flemish 1577-1640) Oil on canvas , circa 1630 . Rijksmuseum , Amsterdam .

' Cimon and Pero'  Pertrus Paulas Rubens ( Flemish 1577-1640) Oil on canvas , circa 1630 . Rijksmuseum , Amsterdam. At first this seems a strange subject for a painting ; a young woman giving her breast to an old man tied up in chains in a bare prison cell . In fact it's a story from Roman History : the tale of ' Cimon and Pero ' Cimon is Pero's father . He is in prison waiting execution and has been given nothing to eat . Pero has recently had a child and saves him from starvation by secretly giving him her breast .To enliven the scene , Ruben's has added two prying guards on the right . In fact, Pero is later discovered , but her act of selflessness wins her father's release. See Ruben's earlier version ; 'Roman Charity' painted in 1612 . Posted on the 10th October , 2011 .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every time I see this Painting I still find it difficult .